Press Release

DVANA Launch GREAT To Boost Businesses

DVANA Launch GREAT To Boost Businesses

Making GREAT Endeavours!


DVANA Limited announces the launch of GREAT - A Revolution in Business Productivity.

GREAT is an innovative, unique and logical progression of activities designed to enable teams or individuals within organizations to work through situations in a structured manner with specially designed Tools.

So where does GREAT come from?

GREAT describes the stages or progress of activities which are referred to as a GREAT Endeavour which comprises:

  • Goal - defining the result you want
  • Resources - everything needed
  • Execution - doing it
  • Assessment - making it better
  • Trophy - reaping the rewards

The most valuable asset of an organization are the people within it who, all too often, are not fully appreciated due, perhaps to cultural limitations or by line-managers feeling threatened by innovative suggestions by those they manage.

Involvement of every member of staff at all levels within an organization enables knowledge and experience to be shared, recognized and rewarded in a non-threatening environment beneficial to all. Embarking on the various levels of the GREAT system enables the sharing of knowledge and experience. This, in turn, provides satisfaction to individuals or teams knowing they have mastered an innovative and unique method of implementing new products, processes, procedures and systems.

GREAT is delivered by independent consultants and training providers. DVANA directly support the delivery of GREAT at training and in practice. Courses held either at employers' premises or at locations convenient for participants are competitively priced, attract Government funding claimable by employers and may be used in Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning - APEL to address a number of competencies required by NVQ level 3 in Business & Administration offered by Edexcel.

GREAT is the brain child of Katherine Bean (PhD, BEng (Hons), CEng, AKC, MIET), in which she has utilized the years of experience, teaching, consulting and examining businesses and their processes. This process culminated in GREAT.

Dr Katherine Bean is the Managing Director of DVANA Limited who are Management Consultants, working with Senior Management and chosen representatives of fast growing dynamic companies building exceptional businesses by implementing new processes, procedures and utilizing technology. DVANA also provide on-site and off-site training and consulting, solving the really hard problems so clients don’t have too. For more information on GREAT and on DVANA in general please visit the DVANA website at